Eddy and Rivas Lab Cluster Resources and How to Access Them

Our high performance cluster computing is managed by Harvard Research Computing (RC).


Your RC home directory is something like /n/home01/<username>. When you log in, that's where you'll land. You have 100GB of space there.

Our lab storage is /n/eddy_lab/. We have 400TB of what RC calls Tier 1 storage, which is fast but expensive.

Both your home directory and our lab storage are backed up nightly to what RC calls snapshots, and periodically to what RC calls disaster recovery (DR) backups.

It's convenient to be able to browse and edit your files on the cluster directly from your laptop or desktop without logging into the cluster. If you get on the RC VPN, you can remote mount your home directory and/or the /n/eddy_lab lab filesystem on your local machine using samba. (Warning: a samba mount is slow, and may sometimes be flaky; don't rely on it except for lightweight tasks.) Instructions are below.

RC also provides shared scratch storage, which is very fast but not backed up. Files on the scratch storage that are older than 90 days are automatically deleted, and RC strongly frowns on playing tricks to make files look younger than they are. Because RC occasionally moves the scratch storage to different devices, the easiest way to access it is through the $SCRATCH variable, which is defined on all RC machines. Our lab has an eddy_lab directory on the scratch space with a 50TB quota, which contains a Users directory, so '&dollarSCRATCH/eddy_lab/Users/yourusername' will point to your directory on the scratch space The Users directory was pre-populated with space for a set of usernames at some point in the past. If your username wasn't included, you'll have to email RC to get a directory created for you..

The scratch space is intended for temporary data, so is a great place to put input or output files from jobs, particularly if you intend to post-process your outputs to extract a smaller amount of data from them.

You can read more documentation on how RC storage works.

All of our lab's computing equipment is contained in the eddy partition, which currently comprises 33 CPU-only nodes and 6 GPU nodes (which also have CPUs), totalling 3264 CPU cores and 32 GPUs (12 H100's, 4 A100's, and 16 old A40's). Most of our machines have 8GB of RAM per CPU core. The machines are physically located in Harvard's Holyoke data center.

We can also use Harvard-wide shared partitions on the RC cluster. -p shared is 14,880 cores (in 310 nodes), for example (as of Feb 2025), and there are several other partitions we can use. For more information on these, see RC's documentation on available partitions.

In more detail, our current cluster computing nodes are:

nodes core/node CPU_type RAM RAM/core GPU/node GPU_type tot_core tot_GPU date source holy* node names
5 48 Xeon Platinum 8268 2.9GHz 192G 4G - - 240 - Apr 2024 FAS 7c104[11-12], 7c105[01-03]
24 64 Xeon Platinum 8358 2.6GHz 512G 8G - - 1536 - Jan 2023 HHMI 8a255[03-06] 8a256[03-06] 8a271[11,12] 8a272[07-12] 8a272[07-12] 8a273[07-12] 8a274[07,08]
4 192 AMD EPYC 9654 2.4GHz 1536G 8G - - 768 - May 2024 HHMI 8a[28509-28512]
2 48 Xeon Platinum 8268 2.9GHz 768G 16G 8 NVIDIA A40 48G 96 16 Jan 2023 HHMI gpu2c[0923,1121]
1 48 AMD EPYC 74F3 3.2GHz 1024G 21G 4 NVIDIA A100 HGX 80G 48 4 Jan 2023 HHMI gpu7c0920
3 192 AMD EPYC 9654 2.4GHz 1536G 8G 4 NVIDIA H100 SXM5 80G 576 12 May 2024 HHMI gpu8a[26504-26506]

Accessing the cluster

logging on, first time

You should be able to ssh into the cluster now. With your username in place of mine (seddy), do:

    % ssh seddy@login.rc.fas.harvard.edu

It'll ask for your RC password and an OpenAuth two-factor authentication key.

configuring an ssh host alias

Once you're using the cluster a lot, you can save yourself some typing by setting up a host alias. Mine is called ody, because the RC cluster used to be called Odyssey. Add something like this to your .ssh/config file, using your preferred host alias in place of ody and your username in place of seddy:

Host                  ody
  HostName            login.rc.fas.harvard.edu
  User                seddy
  Compression         yes
  ForwardX11Trusted   yes
  ServerAliveInterval 30

Now you can access RC just by:

    % ssh ody

You still have to authenticate by password and OpenAuth code, though.

configuring single sign-on scp access

Even better, but a little more complicated: you can make it so you only have to authenticate once, and every ssh or scp after that is passwordless. To do this, I use SSH ControlMaster for single sign-on, to open a single ssh connection that you authenticate once, and all subsequent ssh-based traffic to RC goes via that connection.

RC's instructions are here but briefly:

Host              ody
   User           seddy
   HostName       login.rc.fas.harvard.edu
   ControlMaster  auto
   ControlPath    ~/.ssh/%r@%h:%p
   ControlPersist yes
   alias ody-start='ssh -Y -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -fN ody'   
   alias ody-stop='ssh -O stop ody'
   alias ody-kill='ssh -O exit ody'

Now you can launch a session with:

    % ody-start

It'll ask you to authenticate. After you do this, all your ssh-based commands (in any terminal window) will work without further authentication. To stop the connection, do

    % ody-stop

If you forget to stop it, no big deal, the connection will eventually time out by itself.

Accessing our storage

set up VPN access

You don't need to be on the RC VPN to log in to the cluster, but you do need to be on the VPN if you want to mount any of our RC storage on your local machine.

mounting our lab filesystem on your machine

You need to be on the RC VPN to remote mount our filesystem.

From the Mac OS/X Finder, choose Go->Connect To Server, and give it:


It will mount at /Volumes/eddy_lab on your local machine, and it will show up in Locations in the Finder.

If your username on your local machine is different from your username on the cluster, make that URL smb://<username>:eddyfs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/eddy_lab.

To use the OS/X command line instead of the Finder GUI:

   # to mount:
   % osascript -e 'mount volume "smb://eddyfs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/eddy_lab`
   # to unmount:
   $ umount /Volumes/eddy_lab

You can also samba-mount your cluster home directory [RC documentation is here]. Figure out where your home dir is (cd; pwd). It's something like /n/homeXX/<username>; mine is /n/home14/seddy. The URL to samba mount my home dir is smb://rcstore.rc.fas.harvard.edu/homes/home14/seddy. Replace those last two bits with your own homeXX/<username>.

I have these aliased in my .bashrc:

    alias ody-mount="osascript -e 'mount volume \"smb://eddyfs.rc.fas.harvard.edu/eddy_lab\"'"
    alias ody-home-mount="osascript -e 'mount volume \"smb://rcstore.rc.fas.harvard.edu/homes/home14/seddy\"'"
    alias ody-umount='umount /Volumes/eddy_lab'
    alias ody-home-umount='umount /Volumes/seddy'

All reputable people say it's important to remember to unmount the filesystem before you do something that breaks the network connection (like logging out of the VPN). On the other hand, I routinely forget, and nothing has imploded yet.

Accessing our shared data (genomes, seq db's)

Many standard sequence databases are installed in /n/eddy_lab/data/ including Pfam, Rfam, and UniProt.

Many genome and transcriptome datasets are installed in /n/eddy_lab/genomes/.

Working on the cluster

RC has a zillion software packages installed and available, but most are not in your ${PATH} by default. You load an available package with the module command. For example, module load hmmer loads RC's current installed version of HMMER, and module load blast loads BLAST. module avail lets you behold (almost) everything available, though it takes a while to run.

You generally work on RC using the SLURM batch scheduler either to obtain interactive command-line access to a compute node, or to schedule jobs to run on compute nodes. You shouldn't do any substantial computation on login nodes. The sbatch command submits batch scripts to SLURM for later execution. The srun command runs a single command on our compute resources interactively. The sbatch --wrap="<cmd>" option submits a single command into the batch queue, and is the most common way that I send jobs to the cluster.

The notes below give useful module and SLURM incantations without a ton of explication. More thorough RC documentation to skim includes:

the module command; compiling software

It's ok to compile on a login node (but that's about it). My usual pre-incantation before working on development of our software (HMMER, Infernal, Easel):

    module load gcc git valgrind python

This loads the gcc compiler, an up-to-date version of git, the valgrind memory debugging tools, and Python3 (the default python on RC is Python2).

Other module command examples:

    module load intel        # Intel icc compiler instead
    module load gcc openmpi  # for MPI parallel software, usually I use gcc/OpenMPI

    module avail             # show list of immediately available modules
    module avail openmpi     # show list of available openmpi modules (there may be different versions installed)
    module list              # list my currently loaded modules
    module unload gcc        # unload a module
    module swap intel gcc    # swap one module out (intel icc) for another (gcc)
    module purge             # unload all modules

    module load gcc/7.1.0-fasrc01 binutils/2.29-fasrc01   # sometimes we need to be very specific about versions

get an interactive cpu node

Depends on whether you just need a single cpu core (most common), several cores (for multithreaded software like BLAST or HMMER), or an entire compute node (40 cores, for the nodes in our -p eddy partition). My standard incantations are:

    srun -p eddy --pty -t 6-00:00 /bin/bash                      # 1 core
    srun -p eddy --pty -t 6-00:00 -c 8 /bin/bash                 # multiple cores; here 8
    srun -p eddy --pty -t 6-00:00 -c 40 --exclusive /bin/bash    # entire node

run one command

The most common way I submit tasks to the cluster is one command at a time. The --wrap option to sbatch lets you submit a job without having to write a SLURM script for it.

    sbatch -t 6-00:00 -p eddy -c 4 -N 1 --wrap="hmmsearch --cpu 4 fn3.hmm /n/eddyfs01/data/dbs/Uniprot/uniprot_sprot.fasta"

hmmsearch is multithreaded; I'm matching the number of cores I request from SLURM (-c 4) to the number of cores I'm telling hmmsearch to use (--cpu 4), and telling SLURM I want them all on one compute node (-N 1). For a non-parallel program, you'd leave off the -c 4 in the sbatch options.

The stdout goes to a SLURM outfile, something like slurm-56384497.out. Or you can add a shell redirect > foo.out to your --wrap command if you like.

running a few commands, looping over some input files

A couple of examples of ways to submit several commands at once:

    ls *.gz | xargs -I {}  sbatch --wrap="gunzip -c {}"   # uncompress all .gz files in this directory

    for FILE in *.fa; do
      echo ${FILE}
      sbatch -p eddy -t 10 --wrap="gzip ${FILE}"          # compress all .fa files in this directory
      sleep 1                                             # pausing between submissions to be kind to the scheduler

writing an sbatch script

If your job is more complicated than a single command - for example, if it depends on loading software with a module load command first - you can write an sbatch script. The SLURM options go into the script, instead of on the sbatch command line, using a special format. An example that (stupidly) loads gcc and just calls hostname, so the output will be the name of the compute node the script ran on:

#SBATCH -c 1        # Number of cores/threads
#SBATCH -N 1        # Ensure that all cores are on one machine
#SBATCH -t 6-00:00  # Runtime in D-HH:MM
#SBATCH -p eddy     # Partition to submit to
#SBATCH --mem=4000  # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)
#SBATCH -o myjob_%j.out     # File to which STDOUT will be written; %j is the job number assigned by SLURM
#SBATCH -e myjob_%j.err     # File to which STDERR will be written

module load gcc

Save this to a file (foo.sh for example) and submit it with sbatch:

    sbatch foo.sh

running lots of commands

If you have to submit lots of jobs (hundreds or thousands) to the cluster at once, the preferred way to do it is with job arrays, to avoid overloading the scheduler. See the RC documentation.

monitoring your running jobs

The sinfo command shows information about what's currently running where.

    sinfo -p eddy    # show the state of the `eddy` partition
    sinfo -a         # show the state of all RC partitions

The sacct command shows SLURM log info about jobs you ran in the past.

    sacct                                                      # default log
    sacct --format=jobid,jobname,state,cputime,elapsed,maxrss  # custom-formatted to get cputime (`cputime`), max mem (`maxrss`) used
    sacct --name=B1n-2.sh                                      # --name=<jobname> to see a particular job
    sacct -S 2020-03-29                                        # see jobs you started on 3/29/2020


To avoid getting in each others' way on our -p eddy partition, at any one time, please limit your resource use to:

These guidelines are just guidelines. The principle is what's important. Nobody should have to wait >30min to get their job to start running on -p eddy. If you cause such pain, there may be public shaming and/or donut penalty. Launching one job that takes a day to complete, or a thousand 10-second jobs is not going to get in anyone's way either. Conversely, it's possible that two or more people in the lab could try to occupy 50% of our resources at a time and jam us up, so use sinfo -p eddy to see how busy things are and be reasonable.

You can also add --nice 1000 to your sbatch command, to downgrade your running priority in the queue, which helps let other people's jobs get run before yours.